Trip Cities
Rome, Florence, Siena
Corinth, Bologna, Athens, , Delphi
Thessaloniki, Ephesus, Pergamum
Istanbul, Sardis
Jamestown, Yorktown, Monticello
Washington DC, colonial Williamsburg
Philadelphia, Gettysburg, NYC
Greg and Kim Ford have a passion for the world. Having traveled the world in over 100 countries leading teams and in personal ministry, they have led thousands on successful, life enhancing adventures around the globe. Their travels combine educational, cultural, and exploratory elements that create a comfortable mastery of foreign cities and fascinating people.
Greg and Kim have six incredible children who are influencers through overseas travel, home education, significant church involvement, and the passionate pursuit of life. Among other life skills, Greg is Vice President of Victory College , a multi-year Challenge 4 Director, and Executive Director of Tulsa Harvest House. Kim is an AR for Eastern Oklahoma for CC, a former Challenge 3 Director, and a MyWhy facilitator.
NOTE: ClassicalTrips.org is focused on imparting a positive Biblical worldview with all student participants.
NOTE: We have been Challenge 3 & Challenge 4 Directors who love Classical Conversations. We have four Challenge 4 grads, eighteen years involvement with CC, and have seen the impact of experiencing first hand historic sites in the USA & overseas for our own children plus many others we've taken on Classical Trips in the last 13 years.
Neither Global Quest Inc or ClassicalTrips.org are endorsed by or affiliated with Classical Conversations Inc.